Friday, January 25, 2008

Kitteh Can Haz Robert Frost?

Oh hai. Iz Friday and time for kittehs. Dis one is gud. How gud?

Compare fer Urself.

Kitteh even kept teh aaba, bbcb rhyming scheme.

Iz verra nice, I tink.

Stoppin By Couch when TV is Showing

Oh hai, whose nice place is dis
I dunno. Oh wait, I does. He not live here tho.
Sneeky cat iz 2 sneeky. No fear,
He not see meh watchin show.

Mah hooman thinkz Iz weird
I starez at space wif nuttin near
Not even a Cheezburger, fer gudness sake
An Iz hungry at dis time of year.

Mah hooman giveded hiz head a shake
And tries to pick me up. Misstake!
Mah claws com out to cutz him deep.
Iz last time that wrong act he makes.

Teh cushons on the chouch iz deep.
And I haz naptime skedul to keep
Now iz teh time fer kittehs to sleep.
Now iz teh time fer kittehs to sleep.


Arachne Jericho said...

Woohoo! I especially like Robert Frost, he's one of my favoristist poets ever (the others being T.S. Eliot and e.e. cummings).

My favorite lines:
Mah hooman giveded hiz head a shake
And tries to pick me up. Misstake!

Too true to life.

Love this Friday kitteh!

Mary B said...

Thanks much, AJ!

Lori A. Basiewicz said...

You're very good at these, Mary.

Tori O. said...

Isn't she just great at them? I keep wondering how she does it.

Mary B said...

Thanks y'all. I suspect that I kitteh so much poetry, because poetry was my first love.

Melanie Hooyenga said...

I'm amazed you kept the structure! Well done.

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!!! I love these Friday kittehs. You are really good at this!

Cynthia Bronco said...

Dis iz classic! I sends de link to mah momma. :)